Am I contemporary?

Performance / Performancetext


In der autobiografisch motivierten Performance „Am I contemporary?“ (2010) sucht Cibulka in Form der Selbstbefragung ihren Stellenwert als Künstlerin, als Ehefrau und Mutter zu vergegenwärtigen. Durch die mantra-ähnliche Wiederholung des „Am I contemporary“ gewinnen die Satzinhalte eine auf das Publikum projizierte Qualität abseits geschlechts- und rollenspezifischer Zuschreibungen.
Auf einer verallgemeinernden Ebene erzählt die Arbeit vom Finden und Behaupten einer eigenen Identität in der Begegnung mit den festgefügten Bildern anderer. Cibulka gelingt damit der Grätschakt, von ihren zutiefst persönlichen Gedanken ausgehend grundsätzliche menschliche Befindlichkeiten anzusprechen.

(Manisha Jothady)

Performance Text

Dear audience,
my following performance is about my current identity. Because you most likely perceive me as a woman, I will not destroy that illusion, but kindly ask all other genders present to get into this discourse. It may also concern you. Thank you.

Am I contemporary?

Am I contemporary if I still make gender equality an issue in 2014?

Am I contemporary if I, when wandering through museums, contemplate whether I have fewer chances as a woman in the art world?

Am I contemporary if I am both artist and mother?

Am I contemporary if I feel strongly about being able to support myself?

Am I contemporary if I want to earn the same amount as my male colleague for the same work?

Am I contemporary if I’d rather be different?

Am I contemporary if I, as a woman, want to work in an executive position?

Am I contemporary if I, as a mother, look for a well-paid job?

Am I contemporary if I don’t want to be rejected by a man because he is afraid of a highly qualified, confident and university educated woman?

Am I contemporary if I don´t really mean YES when I say NO?

Am I contemporary if I want to be shown in museums even though I’m not wearing a gorilla costume?

Am I contemporary if I want a child even though I know it will dramatically change my life, while my partner’s will hardly change at all?

Am I contemporary if I don’t want to be reduced to being skinny, naked, sensual and erotic?

Am I contemporary if I am happy to be a woman?

Am I contemporary if I don’t want to categorize my gender?

Am I contemporary if I want to be recognized as a creative individual and don’t want to be narrowed down to female aesthetics?

Am I contemporary if I have to fight to get ahead in my career?

Am I contemporary if I fall asleep with my child instead of with my partner?

Am I contemporary if I don’t enjoy dressing to please the male gaze?

Am I contemporary if I don’t see my social responsibility in a “god-given duty to reproduce”?

Am I contemporary if I stay single?

Am I contemporary if I am annoyed by the forced heteronormativity perpetuated by the media?

Am I contemporary if I am gender sensitive in my life?

Am I contemporary if I prepare lunch for my family?

Am I contemporary if I question whether a fulfilled life includes having both children and a career?

Am I contemporary if I look ageless but unrecognizable?

Am I contemporary if I am content with my life?

Am I contemporary if I believe being a hero does not automatically mean being male?

Am I contemporary if I still make gender equality an issue in 2014?

Performance im Aktsaal der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, 2010



Solo III Katharina Cibulka, Fotogalerie Wien, 2012 


Fotocredits: Ferdinand Cibulka