Die berufliche Traumrolle



Die berufliche Traumrolle (“The Professional Dream Role”) (2006/2009) a randomly found, pseudo-psychological newspaper quiz about career choices exposes the obviously non-existent relevance and reputation of the artist’s profession. By incorporating this quote – which equates an artist’s work with essentially doing nothing – Katharina Cibulka creates a feedback loop by bringing it back to the art world, as lettering in the context of an exhibition. A further awareness and contextualization is set into motion.


Writing on poster or museum wall, source: Psychotest, Kurier Freizeit, 05/2004, issue no. 752.



Solo III Katharina Cibulka, Fotogalerie Wien, 2012 (Ausstellungsansicht)

Base Camp, Kunsthaus Meran, 2006